

Assessment 2 is Complete ✔️


Whew! Assessment 2 has been handed in! We, similar to last assessment, had to reread and edit a lot of our documentation which was tedious… However, we are confident in our reports being top notch! We had a few last minutes pushes to the GitHub from the testing team but in the end it all worked out. Now waiting for the results.

Game v1.0 working 🌱


Since exams have finished we have just been working on getting a working version of the game out. This is a beta’s beta version but it works fully whihc is great! It looks really nice due to a dedicated graphics team and there aren’t any majpr bugs. This works out great for our time line since the Assessment 2 is due soon. Now its back to writing up all the documentation and ensuring strong test coverage…

Assessment 1 is Complete ✔️


This has been a long week with lots of reading, rereading and even more reading… But we feel confident with the doucmentation we submitted and we even have some time to spare. We are now straight into the second assessment with some actual game development which will be fun. We will be posting an update when we have some new information

GitHub Pages is up! 🙌


Finally set up the pages for our project! Here we will include all documentaion, assessment folders and game download. This is the first update, we have started the project requirements, architecture, methods, and risks. This is all for our “assessment 1” of SEPR and so far so good!